I was referred by Gabe Fletcher who said amazing things about the brand and coating. I was previously certified with ceramic pro but lost the contract and territory , I am looking to find a coating that is at par with or better I do like how exclusive the brand is and how it is also used world wide. I have been learning and doing my homework about fireball and from what I have learned everything looks and sounds amazing. I love the caliber of vehicles that I have seen fireball coatings applied too and want to be at that caliber for my business and shop. That is my aim to be a higher end shop and use the best in the industry and Fireball looks to be one of them. I want to represent the brand and myself in an exclusive way at a prestigious level in which I hope transcends into a particular clientele. I want to go the extra mile to have an amazing product and I hope I make a good fit for representing the company. Thank you for your time.